function h_HandleError (ErrorMessage, URL, LineNum) { var Z = "Warning. Sorry, we were unable to process your request at this time. If you are unable to continue working in your place, please dismiss this warning and then" + (( navigator.appName == "Microsoft Internet Explorer") ? " select View, Refresh from your browser's menu." : " select View, Reload from your browser's menu." ); var ErrorStringExtended = ""; if ( '' == '1') { ErrorStringExtended += "\n\n"; ErrorStringExtended += "Message : " + ErrorMessage + "\n"; ErrorStringExtended += "URL : " + URL + "\n"; ErrorStringExtended += "Line : " + LineNum + "\n"; } alert ( Z + ErrorStringExtended ); return !('' == '1'); } window.onerror = h_HandleError; function b () { this.SH = 3; this.SI = 'Netscape'; this.SJ = 'Unknown'; this.SN = 'Unknown'; this.i = 1.0; this.SO = false; this.m_hasSametimeAwareness = true; this.m_hasSametimeMeetings = true; this.SP = true; this.m_hasJavaApplets = true; this.SQ = false; this.SR = false; this.SS = true; this.ST = false; this.m_isGecko = false; this.SU = false; this.init = If; this.SW = JF; this.getRealMozVersion = getRealMozVersion_ClientBrowserObject; this.y = RK; this.hasSametimeAwareness = hasSametimeAwareness_ClientBrowserObject; this.hasSametimeMeetings = hasSametimeMeetings_ClientBrowserObject; this.SX = KD; this.hasMidas = hasMidas_ClientBrowserObject; this.hasJavaApplets = hasJavaApplets_ClientBrowserObject; this.SY = KF; this.SZ = KJ; this.Sa = KK; this.Sc = LZ; this.Sb = KT; this.Bf = Kl; this.Sd = Nu; this.Se = QD; this.Sf = RH; this.Sg = RI; this.CS = Rc; this.isGecko = isGecko_ClientBrowserObject; this.HN = Re; this.Ie = Rh; this.hasCapability = hasCapability; this.parseVersion = parseVersion; this.init (); } function If () { this.SH = parseInt (navigator.appVersion.charAt(0)); if (typeof (navigator.appName) != "undefined") this.SI = navigator.appName; if (typeof (navigator.userAgent) != "undefined") this.SJ = navigator.userAgent; if (typeof (navigator.platform) != "undefined") this.SN = navigator.platform; if (typeof (navigator.cookieEnabled) != "undefined") this.SS = navigator.cookieEnabled; this.ST = this.SI == "Microsoft Internet Explorer"; this.m_isGecko = -1 != navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Gecko"); /* Netscape 6.1, Mozilla, other Mozilla based browsers */ this.SU = !this.m_isGecko && this.SI == "Netscape"; this.m_realMozVersion = parseFloat( navigator.userAgent.substr(navigator.userAgent.indexOf("rv:") + 3) ); this.SQ = this.ST; this.SO = this.SW(4); this.SP = this.ST && (navigator.appVersion.indexOf( "Win") != -1) && (!this.HN()); this.m_hasJavaApplets = navigator.javaEnabled(); this.SR = (this.m_isGecko || this.ST) && this.SW(4); this.m_hasMidas = this.m_isGecko && (this.m_realMozVersion >= 1.3); this.m_hasNativeRTEditor = this.ST || (this.m_isGecko && this.m_realMozVersion >= 1.03); } function getRealMozVersion_ClientBrowserObject () { return this.m_realMozVersion; } function JF (neededBrowserLevel) { return (neededBrowserLevel < (this.SH+1)); } function hasSametimeAwareness_ClientBrowserObject () { return this.m_hasSametimeAwareness; } function hasSametimeMeetings_ClientBrowserObject () { return this.m_hasSametimeMeetings; } function KD () { return this.SP; } function hasMidas_ClientBrowserObject () { return this.m_hasMidas; } function hasJavaApplets_ClientBrowserObject () { return this.m_hasJavaApplets; } function KF () { return this.SQ; } function KJ () { return this.SO; } function KK () { return this.SR; } function KT () { return this.ST; } function Kl () { return this.SU; } function LZ () { return this.SS; } function Nu () { return (navigator.appVersion.indexOf("MSIE 3") != -1); } function QD () { return (navigator.appVersion.indexOf("MSIE 4") != -1); } function RH () { return (this.SU && navigator.appVersion.charAt(0) == "3"); } function RI () { return (this.SU && navigator.appVersion.charAt(0) == "4"); } function RK () { return this.i; } function Rc () { return (navigator.appVersion.indexOf("MSIE 5") != -1); } function isGecko_ClientBrowserObject() { return this.m_isGecko; } function Re () { return ((this.SN.indexOf("Mac") != -1) ? true : false); } function Rh () { return ((this.SN.indexOf("Win") != -1) ? true : false); } function hasCapability( nBrowserCapability ) { switch(nBrowserCapability) { case 1: return this.m_hasPersistentStore; case 2: return (this.ST && this.Ie() && this.m_realAppVersion >= 5.5) || (this.m_isGecko && (gW.haiku ? haiku.bDomino6_5 : true ) && this.m_realMozVersion >= 1.03); case 3: return (this.ST && this.Ie() && this.m_realAppVersion > 5) || (this.m_isGecko && (gW.haiku ? haiku.bDomino6_5 : true ) && this.m_realMozVersion >= 1.00); case 4: return this.SO; case 5: return this.SP; case 6: return this.m_hasLayers; case 7: return (this.ST && this.SH >= 4) | this.m_isGecko; case 8: return (this.ST && this.m_realAppVersion >= 5.0); case 9: return (this.ST && this.m_realAppVersion >= 5.5); case 10: return (this.ST && this.m_realAppVersion >= 6.0); case 11: return (this.ST && this.m_realAppVersion < 5.5); case 12: return this.m_isGecko; case 13: return (this.ST && this.m_realAppVersion >= 5.0); case 14: return this.m_hasNativeRTEditor; default: break; } return false; } function parseVersion(s,decExp) { if(!decExp) decExp = 100; var nValue=0; var exp=1; var aParts = s.split("."); for( var i=0;i= "0" && c <= "9"; } var Hl = null; function Hm ( bForce) { if ( typeof( bForce) == "undefined") { bForce = false; } if ( bForce || '' == 1) { if (Hl == null) { Hl ="", "Hl", "toolbar,scrollbars=yes,height=480,width=480,top=0,left=0,resizable=yes"); } if ( typeof( Hl.dbgConsole) == "undefined") {; Hl.document.writeln(""); Hl.document.writeln(""); Hl.document.writeln(""); Hl.document.writeln("QuickPlace Console"); Hl.document.writeln(""); Hl.document.writeln(""); Hl.document.writeln("
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} if (( typeof( this.ShadowXOffset) != "undefined") && ( this.ShadowXOffset != null) && ( this.ShadowXOffset != "")) { Hv += "&ShadowXOffset=" + this.ShadowXOffset; } if (( typeof( this.ShadowYOffset) != "undefined") && ( this.ShadowYOffset != null) && ( this.ShadowYOffset != "")) { Hv += "&ShadowYOffset=" + this.ShadowYOffset; } if (( typeof( this.BkColor) != "undefined") && ( this.BkColor != null) && ( this.BkColor != "")) { Hv += "&BkColor=" + this.BkColor; } if (( typeof( this.BkImage) != "undefined") && ( this.BkImage != null) && ( this.BkImage != "")) { Hv += "&BkImage=" + this.BkImage; } if (( typeof( this.BkImageAlt) != "undefined") && ( this.BkImageAlt != null) && ( this.BkImageAlt != "")) { Hv += "&BkImageAlt=" + this.BkImageAlt; } if (( typeof( this.BkEffect) != "undefined") && ( this.BkEffect != null) && ( this.BkEffect != "")) { Hv += "&BkEffect=" + this.BkEffect; } if (( typeof( this.BkMapColor) != "undefined") && ( this.BkMapColor != null) && ( this.BkMapColor != "")) { Hv += "&BkMapColor=" + this.BkMapColor; 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} if (( typeof( this.OverlayMapColor) != "undefined") && ( this.OverlayMapColor != null) && ( this.OverlayMapColor != "")) { Hv += "&OverlayMapColor=" + this.OverlayMapColor; } if (( typeof( this.VAlign) != "undefined") && ( this.VAlign != null) && ( this.VAlign != "")) { Hv += "&VAlign=" + this.VAlign; } if (( typeof( this.XOrigin) != "undefined") && ( this.XOrigin != null) && ( this.XOrigin != "")) { Hv += "&XOrigin=" + this.XOrigin; } if (( typeof( this.YOrigin) != "undefined") && ( this.YOrigin != null) && ( this.YOrigin != "")) { Hv += "&YOrigin=" + this.YOrigin; } if (( typeof( this.TextMarginLeft) != "undefined") && ( this.TextMarginLeft != null) && ( this.TextMarginLeft != "")) { Hv += "&TextMarginLeft=" + this.TextMarginLeft; } if (( typeof( this.TextMarginRight) != "undefined") && ( this.TextMarginRight != null) && ( this.TextMarginRight != "")) { Hv += "&TextMarginRight=" + this.TextMarginRight; } if (( typeof( this.ImgMarginLeft) != "undefined") && ( this.ImgMarginLeft != null) && ( this.ImgMarginLeft != "")) { Hv += "&ImgMarginLeft=" + this.ImgMarginLeft; } if (( typeof( this.ImgMarginRight) != "undefined") && ( this.ImgMarginRight != null) && ( this.ImgMarginRight != "")) { Hv += "&ImgMarginRight=" + this.ImgMarginRight; } if (( typeof( this.Animation) != "undefined") && ( this.Animation != null) && ( this.Animation != "")) { Hv += "&Animation=" + this.Animation; } if (( typeof( this.AnFrames) != "undefined") && ( this.AnFrames != null) && ( this.AnFrames != "")) { Hv += "&AnFrames=" + this.AnFrames; } if (( typeof( this.AnDelay) != "undefined") && ( this.AnDelay != null) && ( this.AnDelay != "")) { Hv += "&AnDelay=" + this.AnDelay; } if (( typeof( this.AnLoop) != "undefined") && ( this.AnLoop != null) && ( this.AnLoop != "")) { Hv += "&AnLoop=" + this.AnLoop; } if (( typeof( this.AnExtra) != "undefined") && ( this.AnExtra != null) && ( this.AnExtra != "")) { Hv += "&AnExtra=" + this.AnExtra; } return Hv; } function Hw() { this.Method = ""; this.TextString = ""; this.TF = "escape"; this.OutRectWidth = ""; this.OutRectHeight = ""; this.OutOp = ""; this.OutMaxLines = ""; this.OutTransColor = ""; this.Align = ""; this.BkImgAlign = ""; this.FontName = ""; this.TG = "escape"; this.FontPointSize = ""; this.FontColor = ""; this.FontBold = ""; this.FontItalic = ""; this.FontUnderline = ""; this.FontStrikeout = ""; this.FontAntiAliasColor = ""; this.Opacity = ""; this.FileFormat = ""; this.JpegQuality = ""; this.JpegProgressive = ""; this.EffectType = ""; this.BlurFactor = ""; this.ShadowColor = ""; this.ShadowXOffset = ""; this.ShadowYOffset = ""; this.BkColor = ""; this.BkImage = ""; this.BkImageAlt = ""; this.BkEffect = ""; this.BkMapColor = ""; this.BevelSize = ""; this.BevelLightSource = ""; this.BevelType = ""; this.BevelCorner = ""; this.BaseImage = ""; this.BaseMapColor = ""; this.OverlayImage = ""; this.OverlayMapColor = ""; this.VAlign = ""; this.XOrigin = ""; this.YOrigin = ""; this.TextMarginLeft = ""; this.TextMarginRight = ""; this.ImgMarginLeft = ""; this.ImgMarginRight = ""; this.Animation = ""; this.AnFrames = ""; this.AnDelay = ""; this.AnLoop = ""; this.AnExtra = ""; this.Hu = Hu; this.TH = TH; this.TI = TI; this.TJ = TJ; } function TJ(color) { if (typeof(color) != "string") return(color); if (color.charAt(0) == '#') { color = color.substring(1, color.length); if (color.length == 3) { var col; for (i=0; i<3; i++) { for (j=0; j<2; j++) { col += color.charAt(i); } } color = col; } } return(color); } function TI() { var TK = new Array(); TK[TK.length] = 'OutTransColor'; TK[TK.length] = 'FontColor'; TK[TK.length] = 'FontAntiAliasColor'; TK[TK.length] = 'ShadowColor'; TK[TK.length] = 'BkColor'; TK[TK.length] = 'BkMapColor'; TK[TK.length] = 'BaseMapColor'; for (q in TK) { if (typeof(TK[q]) != 'function') { color = eval('this.' + TK[q]); if (color != "undefined") { normalizedColor = this.TJ(color); eval('this.' + TK[q] + '= normalizedColor;'); } } } } function TH(qpToc) { var TL = new Array(); TL["font-family"] = "FontName"; TL["font-size"] = "FontPointSize"; TL["color"] = "FontColor"; TL["text-align"] = "Align"; TL["text-margin-left"] = "TextMarginLeft"; TL["text-margin-right"] = "TextMarginRight"; TL["background-position"] = "BkImgAlign"; TL["image-margin-left"] = "ImgMarginLeft"; TL["image-margin-right"] = "ImgMarginRight"; TL["text-shadow"] = "ShadowColor"; TL["background-color"] = "BkColor"; TL["backgroundimage"] = "BkImage"; TL["backgroundimage-2line"] = "BkImageAlt"; this.OutRectWidth = '144'; this.OutOp = 'CLIP_WORDWRAP'; this.OutMaxLines = '2'; for (q in TL) { if (typeof(qpToc[q]) != "undefined" && typeof(TL[q]) != 'function') { v = qpToc[q]; if (q == "backgroundimage" || q == "backgroundimage-2line") { v = Lf(self) + "/QuickPlace/" + HP + "/" + "$resources.nsf" + "/h_ResourcesByName/" + v + "/$FILE/" + v + "?OpenElement"; } var e = 'this.' + TL[q] + '=\'' + v + '\';'; eval(e); } } var TM = ''; var TN = ''; var bgColor = ''; var TP = 336699; if (typeof(qpToc['backgroundimage']) != "undefined") TM = qpToc['backgroundimage']; if (typeof(qpToc['backgroundimage-color']) != "undefined") TN = qpToc['backgroundimage-color']; if (typeof(qpToc['background-color']) != "undefined") bgColor = qpToc['background-color']; var SideBarBgColor = qpToc['sidebar-background-color']; if (TM != '') { if (TN != '') { this.FontAntiAliasColor = TN; } else { this.FontAntiAliasColor = SideBarBgColor; } this.BkImage = Lf(self) + "/QuickPlace/" + HP + "/" + "$resources.nsf" + "/h_ResourcesByName/" + TM + "/$FILE/" + TM + "?OpenElement"; } else { if (bgColor == '') { if (SideBarBgColor != '') this.FontAntiAliasColor = SideBarBgColor; else this.FontAntiAliasColor = TP; this.BkColor = this.FontAntiAliasColor; this.OutTransColor = this.FontAntiAliasColor; } else { this.FontAntiAliasColor = bgColor; this.OutTransColor = this.BkColor; } this.BkImage = ''; this.BkImageAlt = ''; } if (typeof(qpToc["font-weight"]) != "undefined") { fontWeight = qpToc["font-weight"].toLowerCase(); if (fontWeight == "bold") this.FontBold="1"; } else if (typeof(qpToc['font-effect']) != "undefined") { fontEffect = qpToc['font-effect'].toLowerCase(); if (fontEffect == "shadow") { this.EffectType = 'Shadow'; this.BlurFactor = '3'; this.ShadowXOffset = '1'; this.ShadowYOffset = '1'; } else if (fontEffect == "glow") { this.EffectType = 'Shadow'; this.BlurFactor = '8'; this.ShadowXOffset = '0'; this.ShadowYOffset = '0'; } else if (fontEffect == "hollowglow") { this.FontColor = this.FontAntiAliasColor; this.EffectType = 'Shadow'; this.BlurFactor = '6'; this.ShadowXOffset = '0'; this.ShadowYOffset = '0'; } else { this.EffectType = ""; this.BlurFactor = ""; this.ShadowXOffset = ""; this.ShadowYOffset = ""; } } this.TI(); } function TQ(FN, CX) { FN.Method = TS('&'+'Method'+'=', CX); FN.TextString = TS('&'+'TextString'+'=', CX); FN.TF = "escape"; FN.OutRectWidth = TS('&'+'OutRectWidth'+'=', CX); FN.OutRectHeight = TS('&'+'OutRectHeight'+'=', CX); FN.OutOp = TS('&'+'OutOp'+'=', CX); FN.OutMaxLines = TS('&'+'OutMaxLines'+'=', CX); FN.OutTransColor = TS('&'+'OutTransColor'+'=', CX); FN.Align = TS('&'+'Align'+'=', CX); FN.BkImgAlign = TS('&'+'BkImgAlign'+'=', CX); FN.FontName = TS('&'+'FontName'+'=', CX); FN.TG = "escape"; FN.FontPointSize = TS('&'+'FontPointSize'+'=', CX); FN.FontColor = TS('&'+'FontColor'+'=', CX); FN.FontBold = TS('&'+'FontBold'+'=', CX); FN.FontItalic = TS('&'+'FontItalic'+'=', CX); FN.FontUnderline = TS('&'+'FontUnderline'+'=', CX); FN.FontStrikeout = TS('&'+'FontStrikeout'+'=', CX); FN.FontAntiAliasColor = TS('&'+'FontAntiAliasColor'+'=', CX); FN.Opacity = TS('&'+'Opacity'+'=', CX); FN.FileFormat = TS('&'+'FileFormat'+'=', CX); FN.JpegQuality = TS('&'+'JpegQuality'+'=', CX); FN.JpegProgressive = TS('&'+'JpegProgressive'+'=', CX); FN.EffectType = TS('&'+'EffectType'+'=', CX); FN.BlurFactor = TS('&'+'BlurFactor'+'=', CX); FN.ShadowColor = TS('&'+'ShadowColor'+'=', CX); FN.ShadowXOffset = TS('&'+'ShadowXOffset'+'=', CX); FN.ShadowYOffset = TS('&'+'ShadowYOffset'+'=', CX); FN.BkColor = TS('&'+'BkColor'+'=', CX); FN.BkImage = TS('&'+'BkImage'+'=', CX); FN.BkImageAlt = TS('&'+'BkImageAlt'+'=', CX); FN.BkEffect = TS('&'+'BkEffect'+'=', CX); FN.BkMapColor = TS('&'+'BkMapColor'+'=', CX); FN.BevelSize = TS('&'+'BevelSize'+'=', CX); FN.BevelLightSource = TS('&'+'BevelLightSource'+'=', CX); FN.BevelType = TS('&'+'BevelType'+'=', CX); FN.BevelCorner = TS('&'+'BevelCorner'+'=', CX); FN.BaseImage = TS('&'+'BaseImage'+'=', CX); FN.BaseMapColor = TS('&'+'BaseMapColor'+'=', CX); FN.OverlayImage = TS('&'+'OverlayImage'+'=', CX); FN.OverlayMapColor = TS('&'+'OverlayMapColor'+'=', CX); FN.VAlign = TS('&'+'VAlign'+'=', CX); FN.XOrigin = TS('&'+'XOrigin'+'=', CX); FN.YOrigin = TS('&'+'YOrigin'+'=', CX); FN.TextMarginLeft = TS('&'+'TextMarginLeft'+'=', CX); FN.TextMarginRight = TS('&'+'TextMarginRight'+'=', CX); FN.ImgMarginLeft = TS('&'+'ImgMarginLeft'+'=', CX); FN.ImgMarginRight = TS('&'+'ImgMarginRight'+'=', CX); FN.Animation = TS('&'+'Animation'+'=', CX); FN.AnFrames = TS('&'+'AnFrames'+'=', CX); FN.AnDelay = TS('&'+'AnDelay'+'=', CX); FN.AnLoop = TS('&'+'AnLoop'+'=', CX); FN.AnExtra = TS('&'+'AnExtra'+'=', CX); } function TR(CX) { return TS('&'+'FontGroup'+'=', CX); } function TS(parameter, CX) { var returnValue = ''; var index = CX.indexOf( parameter); if ( index != -1) { returnValue = CX.substring( index+parameter.length); index = returnValue.indexOf('&'); if ( index != -1) { returnValue = returnValue.substring( 0, index); } } return returnValue; } function Hz (a_haikuTitle, a_haikuType, a_mailDb, a_placeId) { this.IA = a_haikuTitle; this.IB = a_haikuType; this.userName = ''; this.TT = ''; this.AbbrevUserName = ''; this.activeXDisabledOnServer = ('1' == '0')?true:false; this.javaAppletsDisabledOnServer = ('1' == '0')?true:false; this.emailUrlPrefix = ''; this.enableSTforLocalUsers = ''; this.calendarIntegrationDisabledOnServer = !('1' == '1') ? true : false; this.isRichTextButtonAnimationEnabled = '' == "true" ? true : false; this.userDirectoryHitsPerPage = parseInt( '25', 10); this.IC = a_mailDb; this.placeId = a_placeId; this.IE = Hx; this.Signout = HaikuObj_Signout; this.IF = Hy; this.TU = Tp; this.SetIsSametimeAwarenessAvailable = HaikuObj_SetIsSametimeAwarenessAvailable; this.SetIsSametimeMeetingAvailable = HaikuObj_SetIsSametimeMeetingAvailable; this.IsSametimeAwarenessAvailable = false; this.IsSametimeMeetingAvailable = false; this.IsSametimeUsingLDAP = true; this.TX = 'DMY'; this.TY = 'MDY'; this.TZ = 'YMD'; this.h_Intl_CurrencyDigits = "2"; this.h_Intl_CurrencyString = "kr"; this.h_Intl_ThousandString = " "; this.h_Intl_DecimalString = ","; this.h_Intl_CurrencySuffix = true; this.h_Intl_CurrencySpace = true; this.h_Intl_NumberLeadingZero = true; this.h_Intl_DateFormat = "YMD"; this.h_Intl_Date4DigitYear = true; this.h_Intl_TimeZoneName = ""; this.h_Intl_DaylightSavings = false; this.h_Intl_MilitaryTime = true; this.h_Intl_TimeZone = "-1"; this.h_Intl_AMString = ""; this.h_Intl_PMString = ""; this.h_Intl_DateString = "-"; this.h_Intl_TimeString = ":"; this.h_Intl_YesterdayString = "igår"; this.h_Intl_TodayString = "idag"; this.h_Intl_TomorrowString = "imorgon"; this.Ta = this.h_Intl_TimeZone; this.Tb = parseInt(this.Ta); this.Tc = ''; if (this.h_Intl_TimeZoneName == 'Dateline') this.Tc = 'Dateline'; else if (this.h_Intl_TimeZoneName == 'Samoa') this.Tc = 'Samoa'; else if (this.h_Intl_TimeZoneName == 'Hawaiian') this.Tc = 'Hawaiian'; else if (this.h_Intl_TimeZoneName == 'Alaskan') this.Tc = 'Alaskan'; else if (this.h_Intl_TimeZoneName == 'Pacific') this.Tc = 'Pacific'; else if (this.h_Intl_TimeZoneName == 'Mountain') this.Tc = 'Mountain'; else if (this.h_Intl_TimeZoneName == 'Mexico 2') this.Tc = 'Mexico 2'; else if (this.h_Intl_TimeZoneName == 'US Mountain') this.Tc = 'US Mountain'; else if (this.h_Intl_TimeZoneName == 'Central') this.Tc = 'Central'; else if (this.h_Intl_TimeZoneName == 'Mexico') this.Tc = 'Mexico'; else if (this.h_Intl_TimeZoneName == 'Central America') this.Tc = 'Central America'; else if (this.h_Intl_TimeZoneName == 'Canada Central') this.Tc = 'Canada Central'; else if (this.h_Intl_TimeZoneName == 'Eastern') this.Tc = 'Eastern'; else if (this.h_Intl_TimeZoneName == 'US Eastern') this.Tc = 'US Eastern'; else if (this.h_Intl_TimeZoneName == 'SA Pacific') this.Tc = 'SA Pacific'; else if (this.h_Intl_TimeZoneName == 'Atlantic') this.Tc = 'Atlantic'; else if (this.h_Intl_TimeZoneName == 'Pacific SA') this.Tc = 'Pacific SA'; else if (this.h_Intl_TimeZoneName == 'SA Western') this.Tc = 'SA Western'; else if (this.h_Intl_TimeZoneName == 'Newfoundland') this.Tc = 'Newfoundland'; else if (this.h_Intl_TimeZoneName == 'E. South America') this.Tc = 'E. South America'; else if (this.h_Intl_TimeZoneName == 'Greenland') this.Tc = 'Greenland'; else if (this.h_Intl_TimeZoneName == 'SA Eastern') this.Tc = 'SA Eastern'; else if (this.h_Intl_TimeZoneName == 'Mid-Atlnatic') this.Tc = 'Mid-Atlnatic'; else if (this.h_Intl_TimeZoneName == 'Azores') this.Tc = 'Azores'; else if (this.h_Intl_TimeZoneName == 'Cape Verde') this.Tc = 'Cape Verde'; else if (this.h_Intl_TimeZoneName == 'GMT') this.Tc = 'GMT'; else if (this.h_Intl_TimeZoneName == 'Greenwich') this.Tc = 'Greenwich'; else if (this.h_Intl_TimeZoneName == 'W. Europe') this.Tc = 'W. Europe'; else if (this.h_Intl_TimeZoneName == 'Central Europe') this.Tc = 'Central Europe'; else if (this.h_Intl_TimeZoneName == 'Central European') this.Tc = 'Central European'; else if (this.h_Intl_TimeZoneName == 'Romance') this.Tc = 'Romance'; else if (this.h_Intl_TimeZoneName == 'W. Central Africa') this.Tc = 'W. Central Africa'; else if (this.h_Intl_TimeZoneName == 'GTB') this.Tc = 'GTB'; else if (this.h_Intl_TimeZoneName == 'Egypt') this.Tc = 'Egypt'; else if (this.h_Intl_TimeZoneName == 'E. Europe') this.Tc = 'E. Europe'; else if (this.h_Intl_TimeZoneName == 'FLE') this.Tc = 'FLE'; else if (this.h_Intl_TimeZoneName == 'Israel') this.Tc = 'Israel'; else if (this.h_Intl_TimeZoneName == 'South Africa') this.Tc = 'South Africa'; else if (this.h_Intl_TimeZoneName == 'Russian') this.Tc = 'Russian'; else if (this.h_Intl_TimeZoneName == 'Arabic') this.Tc = 'Arabic'; else if (this.h_Intl_TimeZoneName == 'Arab') this.Tc = 'Arab'; else if (this.h_Intl_TimeZoneName == 'E. Africa') this.Tc = 'E. Africa'; else if (this.h_Intl_TimeZoneName == 'Iran') this.Tc = 'Iran'; else if (this.h_Intl_TimeZoneName == 'Caucasus') this.Tc = 'Caucasus'; else if (this.h_Intl_TimeZoneName == 'Arabian') this.Tc = 'Arabian'; else if (this.h_Intl_TimeZoneName == 'Afghanistan') this.Tc = 'Afghanistan'; else if (this.h_Intl_TimeZoneName == 'Ekaterinburg') this.Tc = 'Ekaterinburg'; else if (this.h_Intl_TimeZoneName == 'West Asia') this.Tc = 'West Asia'; else if (this.h_Intl_TimeZoneName == 'India') this.Tc = 'India'; else if (this.h_Intl_TimeZoneName == 'Nepal') this.Tc = 'Nepal'; else if (this.h_Intl_TimeZoneName == 'N. Central Asia') this.Tc = 'N. Central Asia'; else if (this.h_Intl_TimeZoneName == 'Central Asia') this.Tc = 'Central Asia'; else if (this.h_Intl_TimeZoneName == 'Sri Lanka') this.Tc = 'Sri Lanka'; else if (this.h_Intl_TimeZoneName == 'Myanmar') this.Tc = 'Myanmar'; else if (this.h_Intl_TimeZoneName == 'SE Asia') this.Tc = 'SE Asia'; else if (this.h_Intl_TimeZoneName == 'North Asia') this.Tc = 'North Asia'; else if (this.h_Intl_TimeZoneName == 'China') this.Tc = 'China'; else if (this.h_Intl_TimeZoneName == 'Singapore') this.Tc = 'Singapore'; else if (this.h_Intl_TimeZoneName == 'Taipei') this.Tc = 'Taipei'; else if (this.h_Intl_TimeZoneName == 'W. Australia') this.Tc = 'W. Australia'; else if (this.h_Intl_TimeZoneName == 'North Asia East') this.Tc = 'North Asia East'; else if (this.h_Intl_TimeZoneName == 'Tokyo') this.Tc = 'Tokyo'; else if (this.h_Intl_TimeZoneName == 'Korea') this.Tc = 'Korea'; else if (this.h_Intl_TimeZoneName == 'Yakutsk') this.Tc = 'Yakutsk'; else if (this.h_Intl_TimeZoneName == 'Cen. Australia') this.Tc = 'Cen. Australia'; else if (this.h_Intl_TimeZoneName == 'AUS Central') this.Tc = 'AUS Central'; else if (this.h_Intl_TimeZoneName == 'AUS Eastern') this.Tc = 'AUS Eastern'; else if (this.h_Intl_TimeZoneName == 'Tasmania') this.Tc = 'Tasmania'; else if (this.h_Intl_TimeZoneName == 'Vladivostok') this.Tc = 'Vladivostok'; else if (this.h_Intl_TimeZoneName == 'E. Australia') this.Tc = 'E. Australia'; else if (this.h_Intl_TimeZoneName == 'West Pacific') this.Tc = 'West Pacific'; else if (this.h_Intl_TimeZoneName == 'Central Pacific') this.Tc = 'Central Pacific'; else if (this.h_Intl_TimeZoneName == 'New Zealand') this.Tc = 'New Zealand'; else if (this.h_Intl_TimeZoneName == 'Fiji') this.Tc = 'Fiji'; else if (this.h_Intl_TimeZoneName == 'Tonga') this.Tc = 'Tonga'; if (this.Tc == '') { if (this.Tb == 12 ) this.Tc = 'Dateland'; else if (this.Tb == 11 ) this.Tc = 'Samoa'; else if (this.Tb == 10 ) this.Tc = 'Hawaiian'; else if (this.Tb == 9 ) this.Tc = 'Alaskan'; else if (this.Tb == 8 ) this.Tc = 'Pacific'; else if (this.Tb == 7 ) this.Tc = 'Mountain'; else if (this.Tb == 6 ) this.Tc = 'Central'; else if (this.Tb == 5 ) this.Tc = 'Eastern'; else if (this.Tb == 4 ) this.Tc = 'Atlantic'; else if (this.Tb == 3003 ) this.Tc = 'Newfoundland'; else if (this.Tb == 3 ) this.Tc = 'South America Eastern'; else if (this.Tb == 2 ) this.Tc = 'Mid-Atlantic'; else if (this.Tb == 1 ) this.Tc = 'Azores'; else if (this.Tb == 0 ) this.Tc = 'Greenwich Mean Time'; else if (this.Tb == -1 ) this.Tc = 'Western Europe'; else if (this.Tb == -2 ) this.Tc = 'Eastern Europe'; else if (this.Tb == -3 ) this.Tc = 'Saudi Arabia'; else if (this.Tb == -3003) this.Tc = 'Iran'; else if (this.Tb == -4 ) this.Tc = 'Arabian'; else if (this.Tb == -3004) this.Tc = 'Afghanistan'; else if (this.Tb == -5 ) this.Tc = 'West Asia'; else if (this.Tb == -3005) this.Tc = 'India'; else if (this.Tb == -6 ) this.Tc = 'Central Asia'; else if (this.Tb == -7 ) this.Tc = 'Bangkok'; else if (this.Tb == -8 ) this.Tc = 'China'; else if (this.Tb == -9 ) this.Tc = 'Tokyo'; else if (this.Tb == -3009) this.Tc = 'Central Australia'; else if (this.Tb == -10 ) this.Tc = 'Eastern Australia'; else if (this.Tb == -11 ) this.Tc = 'West Pacific'; else if (this.Tb == -12 ) this.Tc = 'Central Pacific'; else this.Tc = ''; } if (this.Tb != 0) { this.Tc += (this.Tc != '') ? ((this.h_Intl_DaylightSavings) ? ' Daylight Savings Time' : ' Standard Time') : ''; this.Tc += ' (GMT '; this.Tc += (this.Tb > 0)?'-':'+'; this.Tc += ((Math.abs(this.Tb) > 12) ? Math.abs(this.Tb%100) + ':' + Math.floor(Math.abs(this.Tb)/100) : Math.abs(this.Tb)+':00'); this.Tc += ')'; } var sl = this.h_Intl_DateString; this.Te = ''; if (this.h_Intl_DateFormat == this.TX) this.Te = 'DD'+ sl +'MM'+ sl +'YY'; else if (this.h_Intl_DateFormat == this.TZ) this.Te = 'YY'+ sl +'MM'+ sl +'DD'; else if (this.h_Intl_DateFormat == this.TY) this.Te = 'MM'+ sl +'DD'+ sl +'YY'; this.Tg = new makeSceneContextObject( ); this.Th = new Array( ); this.Ti = Ts; this.Tj = Tt; this.GetEmailUrlPrefix = HaikuObj_GetEmailUrlPrefix; } function HaikuObj_GetEmailUrlPrefix( ) { var szEmailPrefix = ""; if ( this.emailUrlPrefix != "") { szEmailPrefix = this.emailUrlPrefix } else { szEmailPrefix = Lk() + Lc(self); } return szEmailPrefix; } function Hx() { location.href = HX.Ij() + "?OpenDatabase&Login"; } function HaikuObj_Signout() { if (confirm('Are you sure you want to sign out?')) { if (h_ClientBrowser.SX()) { location.href = HX.Ij() + "?OpenDatabase&Form=h_QPLogout"; } else { var FB = HX.Ij() + "?Logout"; location.href = FB; } } } function Hy() { return (this.userName == "Anonymous"); } function HaikuObj_SetIsSametimeAwarenessAvailable() { if (currentMember.hv() && !(this.enableSTforLocalUsers == "true")) { this.IsSametimeAwarenessAvailable = false; return; } if (h_ClientBrowser.hasJavaApplets() && bSTLinksAvailable && h_ClientBrowser.hasSametimeAwareness() && !h_ClientBrowser.HN() && !haiku.IF() && !si() && h_SameTimeToken.length != 0 && h_SametimeCommunityServer != "") { this.IsSametimeAwarenessAvailable = true; this.IsSametimeUsingLDAP = '' == "false" ? false : true; } else this.IsSametimeAwarenessAvailable = false; } function HaikuObj_SetIsSametimeMeetingAvailable () { if ((currentMember.hv() && !(this.enableSTforLocalUsers == "true")) || !h_ClientBrowser.hasSametimeMeetings()) { this.IsSametimeMeetingAvailable = false; return; } if (h_SameTimeToken != "" && h_SametimeMeetingServer != "" && !si()) this.IsSametimeMeetingAvailable = true; else this.IsSametimeMeetingAvailable = false; } function Tp(startFolder, startPage, startRoom) { if (typeof(startPage) == "undefined") startPage = ""; if (typeof(startFolder) == "undefined") startFolder = ""; if (typeof(startRoom) == "undefined") startRoom = ""; var FB = La( self); if (startRoom != "" && startFolder == "" && startPage == "") { FB += startRoom; } else if (startRoom != "" && startFolder != "" && startPage == "") { FB += startRoom + '/' + "h_Toc" + '/' + startFolder; } else if ((startRoom != "" && startFolder != "" && startPage != "") || (startRoom != "" && startFolder == "" && startPage != "")) { FB += startRoom + '/' + "A7986FD2A9CD47090525670800167225" + '/' + startPage; } else { FB += "Main.nsf"; if (false) ; else ;; } location.href = FB; } function Ts( ) { this.Th[this.Th.length] = new dm( ); this.Th[this.Th.length-1].init( ); fB( this.Th[this.Th.length-1]); return this.Th[this.Th.length-1]; } function Tt( iComponentId ) { var Tu = null; for( var i=0; i < this.Th.length; i++) { if ( this.Th[i].IsForComponent( iComponentId)) { Tu = this.Th[i]; break; } } return Tu; } function II () { this.h_AeInheritFrom = ''; this.h_AeSideBarBgImgInherited = ''; this.h_AePgBgImgInherited = ''; this.h_AeNvPalette = ''; this.h_AeNvBgImage = ''; this.h_AeNvBgColor = ''; this.h_AeNvFontEffect = ''; this.h_AeNvFontFace = ''; this.h_AeNvFontSize = ''; this.h_AeNvFontStyle = ''; this.h_AeNvTocItemSetColor = ''; this.h_AeNvItemSeparation = ''; this.h_AeNvTextAlignment = ''; this.h_AeNvTextMarginLeft = ''; this.h_AeNvTextMarginRight = ''; this.h_AeNvImageAlignment = ''; this.h_AeNvImageMarginLeft = ''; this.h_AeNvImageMarginRight = ''; this.h_AeNvTocNormalBgColor = ''; this.h_AeNvTocNormalBgImage = ''; this.h_AeNvTocNormalBgImage2Line = ''; this.h_AeNvTocNormalBgImageColor = ''; this.h_AeNvTocNormalFontColor = ''; this.h_AeNvTocNormalShadowColor = ''; this.h_AeNvTocMouseoverBgColor = ''; this.h_AeNvTocMouseoverBgImage = ''; this.h_AeNvTocMouseoverBgImage2Line = ''; this.h_AeNvTocMouseoverBgImageColor = ''; this.h_AeNvTocMouseoverFontColor = ''; this.h_AeNvTocMouseoverShadowColor = ''; this.h_AeNvTocSelectedBgColor = ''; this.h_AeNvTocSelectedBgImage = ''; this.h_AeNvTocSelectedBgImage2Line = ''; this.h_AeNvTocSelectedBgImageColor = ''; this.h_AeNvTocSelectedFontColor = ''; this.h_AeNvTocSelectedShadowColor = ''; this.h_AePgPalette = ''; this.h_AePgBgImage = ''; this.h_AePgBgColor = ''; this.h_AePgFontFace = ''; this.h_AePgFontSize = ''; this.h_AePgFontColor = ''; this.h_AePgActionBarBgColor = ''; this.h_AePgButtonFontFace = ''; this.h_AePgButtonFontColor = ''; this.h_AePgButtonColor = ''; this.h_AeNvLogoCustom = ''; this.h_AeNvBgImageCustom = ''; this.h_AePgBgImageCustom = ''; this.h_AeNvLogoCustomUnqNum = ''; this.h_AeNvBgImageCustomUnqNum = ''; this.h_AePgBgImageCustomUnqNum = ''; this.IJ = IK; } function IK () { if (this.h_AeNvBgImage != '' && this.h_AeNvBgImage != 'h_None' ) this.h_AeNvBgImage = getAbsoluteHaikuURL (self) + "$resources.nsf" + "/h_ResourcesByName/" + this.h_AeNvBgImage + "/$FILE/" + this.h_AeNvBgImage + "?OpenElement"; if (this.h_AePgBgImage != '' && this.h_AePgBgImage != 'h_None') this.h_AePgBgImage = getAbsoluteHaikuURL (self) + "$resources.nsf" + "/h_ResourcesByName/" + this.h_AePgBgImage + "/$FILE/" + this.h_AePgBgImage + "?OpenElement"; if (this.h_AeNvTocNormalBgImage != '') this.h_AeNvTocNormalBgImage = Lf(self) + "/QuickPlace/" + HP + "/" + "$resources.nsf" + "/h_ResourcesByName/" + this.h_AeNvTocNormalBgImage + "/$FILE/" + this.h_AeNvTocNormalBgImage + "?OpenElement"; if (this.h_AeNvTocNormalBgImage2Line != '') this.h_AeNvTocNormalBgImage2Line = Lf(self) + "/QuickPlace/" + HP + "/" + "$resources.nsf" + "/h_ResourcesByName/" + this.h_AeNvTocNormalBgImage2Line + "/$FILE/" + this.h_AeNvTocNormalBgImage2Line + "?OpenElement"; if (this.h_AeNvTocMouseoverBgImage != '') this.h_AeNvTocMouseoverBgImage = Lf(self) + "/QuickPlace/" + HP + "/" + "$resources.nsf" + "/h_ResourcesByName/" + this.h_AeNvTocMouseoverBgImage + "/$FILE/" + this.h_AeNvTocMouseoverBgImage + "?OpenElement"; if (this.h_AeNvTocMouseoverBgImage2Line != '') this.h_AeNvTocMouseoverBgImage2Line = Lf(self) + "/QuickPlace/" + HP + "/" + "$resources.nsf" + "/h_ResourcesByName/" + this.h_AeNvTocMouseoverBgImage2Line + "/$FILE/" + this.h_AeNvTocMouseoverBgImage2Line + "?OpenElement"; if (this.h_AeNvTocSelectedBgImage != '') this.h_AeNvTocSelectedBgImage = Lf(self) + "/QuickPlace/" + HP + "/" + "$resources.nsf" + "/h_ResourcesByName/" + this.h_AeNvTocSelectedBgImage + "/$FILE/" + this.h_AeNvTocSelectedBgImage + "?OpenElement"; if (this.h_AeNvTocSelectedBgImage2Line != '') this.h_AeNvTocSelectedBgImage2Line = Lf(self) + "/QuickPlace/" + HP + "/" + "$resources.nsf" + "/h_ResourcesByName/" + this.h_AeNvTocSelectedBgImage2Line + "/$FILE/" + this.h_AeNvTocSelectedBgImage2Line + "?OpenElement"; if (this.h_AeNvLogoCustom != '') { if (this.h_AeNvLogoCustom.indexOf ("$resources.nsf") == 0) { this.h_AeNvLogoCustom = La (self) + this.h_AeNvLogoCustom; } else { this.h_AeNvLogoCustom = buildUrl("Main.nsf") + '/' + "$defaultview" + '/' + HX.settingsUnid + '/' + gw( this.h_AeNvLogoCustom, this.h_AeNvLogoCustomUnqNum); } } } function makeCurrentMemberObject (BG) { this.m_isAnonymous = false; this.m_firstName = ""; this.m_lastName = ""; this.m_emailAddress = ""; this.m_phoneNumber = ""; this.m_qPName = ""; this.m_domainName = ""; this.m_userName = ""; this.m_userDescription = ""; this.m_disableWNEmail = ""; this.m_isADAEnabled = false; this.m_skinNameToUse = ""; this.m_canonicalName = ""; this.m_accessLevel = ""; this.m_isLocalUser = false; this.init = init_CurrentMemberObject; this.kK = getAnonymous_CurrentMemberObject; this.firstName = getFirstName_CurrentMemberObject; this.lastName = getLastName_CurrentMemberObject; this.emailAddress = getEmailAddress_CurrentMemberObject; this.phoneNumber = getPhoneNumber_CurrentMemberObject; this.qPName = getQPName_CurrentMemberObject; this.domainName = getDomainName_CurrentMemberObject; this.userName = getUserName_CurrentMemberObject; this.userDescription = getUserDescription_CurrentMemberObject; this.disableWNEmail = getDisableWNEmail_CurrentMemberObject; this.isADAEnabled = getADAEnabled_CurrentMemberObject; this.skinNameToUse = getSkinNameToUse_CurrentMemberObject; this.TT = getCanonicalName_CurrentMemberObject; this.accessLevel = getAccessLevel_CurrentMemberObject; this.hv = getIsLocalUser_CurrentMemberObject; this.init (BG); } function init_CurrentMemberObject (BG) { if (BG.length == 1) { this.m_isAnonymous = true; this.m_qPName = haiku.IA; } else { this.m_firstName = BG[0]; this.m_lastName = BG[1]; this.m_emailAddress = BG[2]; this.m_phoneNumber = BG[3]; this.m_isLocalUser = (BG[4] == "1"); this.m_qPName = BG[5]; this.m_domainName = BG[6]; this.m_userName = BG[7]; this.m_userDescription = BG[8]; this.m_disableWNEmail = BG[9]; this.m_isADAEnabled = BG[11]; this.m_skinNameToUse = BG[12]; this.m_canonicalName = 'CN=Per-Erik Nilsson/OU=belok/OU=QP/O=STEM'; this.m_accessLevel = 6; } } function getAnonymous_CurrentMemberObject () { return (this.m_isAnonymous); } function getFirstName_CurrentMemberObject () { return this.m_firstName; } function getLastName_CurrentMemberObject () { return this.m_lastName; } function getEmailAddress_CurrentMemberObject () { return this.m_emailAddress; } function getPhoneNumber_CurrentMemberObject () { return this.m_PhoneNumber; } function getQPName_CurrentMemberObject () { return this.m_QPName; } function getDomainName_CurrentMemberObject () { return this.m_domainName; } function getUserName_CurrentMemberObject () { return this.m_userName; } function getUserDescription_CurrentMemberObject () { return this.m_userDescription; } function getDisableWNEmail_CurrentMemberObject () { return this.m_disableWNEmail; } function getADAEnabled_CurrentMemberObject () { return this.m_isADAEnabled; } function getSkinNameToUse_CurrentMemberObject () { return this.m_skinNameToUse; } function getCanonicalName_CurrentMemberObject () { return this.m_canonicalName; } function getAccessLevel_CurrentMemberObject () { return this.m_accessLevel; } function getIsLocalUser_CurrentMemberObject () { return this.m_isLocalUser; } var UM; function UN() { } UM = new UN(); UN.prototype.init = UO; UN.prototype.initField = UP; UN.prototype.getReadModeHTML = getReadHTML; function UO(kw,UQ,UR,KN,US, UT,UU,UV,kx){ this.initField(kw,UQ,UR,KN,US, UT,UU,UV,kx); } function UP(kw,UQ,UR,KN,US, UT,UU,UV,kx){ this.KP = kw; this.UQ = UQ; this.UR = UR; this.KN = KN; this.US = US; this.UT = UT; this.UU = UU; this.UV = UV; this.UW = new Array(); if (typeof kx != "undefined" && kx != "") { var i; for (i=0;i<999;i++) { UJ = (kx.indexOf("|") == -1) ? 999 : kx.indexOf("|"); this.UW[i] = kx.substring(0, UJ); kx = kx.substring(this.UW[i].length + 1); if (UJ == 999) break; } } } function getReadHTML(pageFrame, fieldIndex) { var UZ = eval('pageFrame.'+this.KP); if ( typeof( UZ) == "undefined") { UZ = ""; } UZ = convertToHTML(UZ); pageInput(pageFrame, UY.UQ, (typeof(UZ)=="undefined"?"":UZ)); } function pageInput(pageFrame, v, h, rU, bgClass) { var Tm = ''; var bc = ''; var rU = " "; /* if ( typeof( rU) != "undefined") { if ( isNaN( rU)) { bc = rU; } else { bc = rU.toString(); } } else { bc = " "; } */ var bd = (h_CurrentSkinType=='h_Edit')?"h-fieldOrderEdit-bgtext":"h-fieldOrder-bgtext"; if (typeof bgClass=="undefined" || bgClass=="") var bf = (h_CurrentSkinType=='h_Edit')?"h-fieldHeaderEdit-bgtext":"h-fieldHeader-bgtext"; 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